Frequently Asked Questions
Each person we meet is unique. So is every move. There are, however, some commonly asked questions to help you through your decision-making process.
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Suzi Home Maker is a full-service senior move management company, which means that we will arrange every step of your move. A critical part of moving is sorting and organizing your assets and treasures. We can find new homes for items that no longer fit with your lifestyle – with your family or friends, in consignment stores or charities. We find the best price for movers, coordinate the move, and unpack and design your new space. If your new home needs cleaners, new drapes, new (or used) furniture, we can coordinate all these services.
Call us as soon as you know you are moving. We can plan ahead and provide you with a work plan and schedule. The earlier things can be arranged, the smoother and more efficient the move will be.
Call us as soon as you know:
● You are downsizing to a smaller home.
● You are helping a loved one move to senior living (independent living, assisted living or memory care).
● You are planning to move yourself, but don’t have the time or energy to handle all the details.
● You experience a change in your health and need to transition your home to meet current needs.
● You are moving but you’re not sure where to begin.
● You need/want to relocate to be closer to family.
● You are cleaning out a home to list on the market.
● You are a busy professional with little time to organize a move
Suzi Home Maker has partners across Canada, and major U.S. cities. We can handle your move with no problems.
Our initial consultation is complimentary, at which time we will assess the size and complexity of your move. We will then provide you with a written quote based on the amount of time and services required to sort, pack, move and set up your new home. If necessary, we can break the work into phases. We are very flexible, and we will work with you to find an affordable solution.
Absolutely. Helping senior citizens downsize and move is our key market. It is a difficult period that needs to be handled with care and understanding. We will work with your parent and with you to develop a detailed plan, so you both know what to expect and what needs to be done before move day. We will always be available to answer any questions or concerns you or your parent have.
A moving company simply moves your belongings. We provide a comprehensive approach that covers all the aspects of the move to minimize the associated chaos and stress.. Move Managers ensure that the entire process goes smoothly, from the moment you decide to work with us until you are resettled. We provide the peace of mind that you will have everything you need. That your furniture will fit comfortably in your new home. That your toiletries and favorite mug are right where you expect them to be. We ensure your new home is immediately ready to live in. Move Managers take the stress and exertion out of the move process.
Yes. We’ll unpack all items into your new home, put everything away, hang your pictures, organize clothing, arrange cupboards, set up your television and stereo, even arrange your phone and cable. Like reality shows, we provide a “reveal” once we have your home organized. You will be impressed at how wonderful your new home looks and feels right from the start.
Absolutely. But a move is a very complex project with many components to arrange. We facilitate moves every day and have a team of experts. We have relationships with trusted suppliers that allow us to organize every aspect quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively. A major move can easily occupy most of your free time over a two-month period. Save yourself that aggravation by having Suzi Home Maker do the work!
Still have questions?
Email us here and we will do our best to reply to your email within 48 hours.
If you would prefer that we return your correspondence with a telephone call, please include your telephone number in the details of your email.
You can also call us direct at 705.768.7894.
We love hearing from you.